Studies show that when people address hearing loss, it has positive effects on their mental health. For example, it can combat problems in your home-life, self-confidence, overall health, job performance, relationships, and even income. This is why, at Academy Hearing, we are encouraging patients to get their hearing tested this holiday season. After all, the holiday season is supposed to be merry. We might as well make the most of this!
So, to encourage you to enjoy the holiday season to its fullest, here are 5 reasons you should get your hearing tested.
The Holidays are a time of year to enjoy the company of your most loved family and friends. During this time, we can strengthen those ties to forge deeper relationships. Yet, this can be tricky when you’re struggling to hear, thereby struggling with conversation.
With a hearing test, and the treatment that goes alongside it, you can change this. A BHI study showed that more than half of respondents said using hearing aids improved their relationships at home, in their social lives, and their ability to join groups.
Research shows that when those with hearing loss use hearing aids they feel more in control of their lives and less self-critical. A BMI study found that the majority of people with mild to severe hearing loss felt they had a better view of themselves and their life when using hearing aids.
Ask anyone with hearing loss, not being able to listen to the sounds around you is incredibly frustrating and can lead to anger, anxiety, isolation and depression. Research shows that when those with hearing loss attain hearing aids, they can become more involved in the conversation and feel a greater sense of safety and independence. This leads to an overall improvement in their quality of life.
Christmas is an expensive time of year. There are studies suggesting that using hearing aids reduce the risk of income loss by 90 to 100 percent. Also, those with hearing loss who use hearing aids are more likely to be employed than those who suffer from hearing loss and don’t use hearing aids.
Studies out of Johns Hopkins suggest that hearing loss is linked to an accelerated cognitive decline in older adults. Further studies from BHI found that those with hearing loss report an improvement in their mental capacity after the use of hearing aids.
Imagine having a holiday season free from the struggle of hearing loss. Imagine being able to enjoy conversation with your friends and family because you can listen to and respond to every question and comment. This could be your holiday season. If you’d like to get a hearing test in anticipation for our festive season, feel free to give us a call and book an appointment.