Hearing loss and sports

June 30, 2017

What do Derrick Coleman, Matt Hamill, Lou Ferrigno and Tamika Catchings all have in common? They are all without a doubt amazing athletes, but they also all suffer from significant hearing loss or deafness.

Although hearing loss can make playing a sport a lot more challenging, it is not impossible. Many hearing impaired athletes have gone on accomplish amazing feats in various sports, from winning championships and medals to raising awareness about hearing loss. 

There are various organizations determined to support deaf and hearing impaired athletes, as well. The summer and winter Deaflympics take place every 2 years, allowing athletes to compete in a number of different sports. 

Another example is Gallaudet University in Washington. The University is specifically geared for hearing impaired students, and boasts a competitive athletics department, including a signing cheerleader team! 

There are some steps that hearing impaired athletes can take to ensure they can keep enjoying the sports that they love!

Hearing aids

Some hearing impaired athletes choose to go without a hearing aid, but it’s worth considering. Different hearing aids will work best for different sports, depending on the type of activity that you are doing. It might be best to consider a waterproof hearing aid to avoid any damage.

Let others know what’s going on

Keep your teammates and sports officials in the loop so that they can better accommodate you with hand signals and gestures. This will help to ensure you won’t miss any important calls or game plays. 

Reach out

As mentioned above, there are many organizations that exist to help support deaf athletes. Do some research and see which resources are available for you.

See a professional

Of course, if you are experiencing any concern about your hearing, you should talk to a professional to see what your best options are. Some hearing loss is even preventable if it is caught in time. If you are an athlete who is concerned about your hearing health, book an appointment with us today! 

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