Spotting the Signs: Key Hearing Loss Symptoms in Adults

August 6, 2024

Hearing is one of those things most of us take for granted until we begin to lose it. Hearing loss symptoms can have a significant impact on your life or a loved one's life. It’s important to be able to recognize the signs.

Much like our eyesight or our physical strength, our hearing can deteriorate over time. But, unlike squinting at a menu or struggling to lift a heavy box, hearing loss symptoms can be sneaky and less obvious. Our hearing tends to gradually fade away over time. 

So, how can you tell if your hearing isn’t what it used to be?

We’ve compiled a list of some key hearing loss symptoms to watch out for. If you have these symptoms, it's a good idea to schedule a hearing test at Academy Hearing to check your hearing. 

Asking People to Repeat Themselves

One of the most common hearing loss symptoms is frequently asking others to repeat what they’ve just said. This can be particularly noticeable in environments with background noise, like a busy restaurant or a crowded family gathering. If you find yourself saying “What?” more often than not, it might be time to consider a hearing test. Or, when someone asks people to speak more slowly or clearly often, this can also be an indicator that you should seek help.

Turning Up the Volume

Do you often crank up the TV volume to levels that others find uncomfortable? Are you constantly adjusting the volume on your phone or other devices to hear clearly? This can be a subtle yet significant indicator of hearing loss. Pay attention to the complaints of those around you—they might be your first clue.

Difficulty Following Conversations

Struggling to follow conversations, especially in group settings, is another red flag. You might find it challenging to keep up with rapid exchanges or miss out on key parts of the conversation. This can be particularly frustrating and isolating, leading to social withdrawal and feelings of loneliness.

Muffling of Speech

Because hearing loss often starts with the high-frequency sounds, speech and other noises can begin to sound muffled. This makes it difficult to understand what was said. People going through hearing loss will have trouble hearing letters of the alphabet that aren’t vowels. You might notice that consonants like “s” and “th” are harder to distinguish, and this can cause you to think people are mumbling, or speaking unclearly even when they’re not. 

Trouble Hearing While Talking on the Phone

If you struggle to have clear phone conversations, it may be a sign to get your hearing checked. Certain sounds can be masked when talking on the phone. If you find yourself constantly switching ears in an attempt to hear better, or have to ask the person you’re talking to to speak louder, you should come and see us at Academy Hearing. 

Ringing in the Ears (Tinnitus)

A ringing in the ears, otherwise known as Tinnitus, is another potential sign of hearing loss. There’s a range of severity for Tinnitus, and it can be constant for some people and intermittent for others. It’s important to note that even though a ringing in your ears doesn’t always indicate hearing loss, it’s a good idea to get it evaluated—especially if it’s affecting your quality of life.

Fatigue After Conversations

Straining to hear people can be exhausting, so if you often feel the need to cut social interactions shorter than usual this can also be an indicator. When you struggle to hear the world around you, your brain is working overtime to compensate, and that extra effort is tiring on the body. It can even cause headaches for some people.

If you find yourself nodding along to any of these hearing loss symptoms, consider scheduling that hearing test sooner rather than later. 

Many people experiencing hearing loss will go through mental health struggles because of social isolation. Early detection can help you get back to a good quality of life, and slow down and further deteriorate.

Your hearing health is just as important as any other aspect of your well-being. There are treatments that can help you combat hearing loss symptoms, such as hearing aids. 

Schedule a test with us at Academy Hearing, and let us help you to not miss out on life’s precious moments. Your future self will thank you!

No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.



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